
Māla Lāʻau Lapaʻau

Approximately 100 native Hawaiian plant species no longer exist in the wild, and only a handful have been saved in cultivation. Of the remaining 552 Hawaiian plant species that are rare, 150 have fewer than 50 individuals remaining in the wild, and those numbers are decreasing every year. Hui Kū Maoli Ola and their partners are hopeful that through teaching and public awareness, these endemic and native species will thrive for the next generation to enjoy and embrace.

We are the stewards of the Māla Lāʻau Lapaʻau (traditional Native Hawaiian healing garden), the only known traditional healing garden on the campus of an accredited U.S. medical school. This Māla Video tells the story and significance of our māla lāʻau lapaʻau.

NHCOE Monthly Community Māla Workday

Join us

JABSOM - 651 Ilalo St, Honolulu. Street parking is available on Ilalo St.

Workday may include picking up leaves, trimming plants with thorns, collecting plants, preparing plants, and sweeping walkway. Supplies will be provided (gloves, gardening tools, trash bags, etc.)

Please wear comfortable clothing, covered shoes, and bring a filled water bottle. Optional: bug spray, hat & sunscreen

Every 4th Thursday of the month from 9:00 am - 11:00 am
Feburary 27, 2025
March 27, 2025
April 24, 2025
May 22, 2025